Javascript Rollovers
onmouseover onmouseout
This is one effect that is used a lot on the internet
Fortuantly it works on Oregano 1, 2 and Firefox. It fails in a "Correct way" on Netsurf, the link still works its just the image doesnt change
People use programs like Dreamweaver on PCs and Macs to create the script (Latest version £375!). On RISC OS we have HTML3 to create it.
I use a very simple cut down method that works just as well
<a href="NoWhere.html" target="_blank"><img name="Duck" src="images/Duck.jpg" alt="Duck" width="50" height="50" border="0"
onmouseover="Duck.src='images/DuckUSD.jpg'" onmouseout="Duck.src='images/Duck.jpg'"></a>
<img src="images/DuckUSD.jpg" alt="Duck" width="1" height="1" border="0">

Precaching is used to prevent a delay when the image changes on Rollover. Target used to open link in a new window when clicked
Another command is onload, this is used to confirm the image has loaded
A link to my work website which uses Rollovers
Image loaded check using onLoad (Failed to work during talk)