Dynamic forms and text area


Forms and textareas are normally used to input information that is sent to a server side program

Javascript is used to validate these forms before they are submitted

However they can also be made dynamic. A nice effects is using them for scrolling messages

<script type="text/javascript">

var message = "Hello this is a message, how very interesting, it goes on and on, actually not that exciting, more an example of a scrolling text in a form."

function scrollform()
message = message.substring(1, message.length) + message.substring(0, 1)
document.demoform.demotext.value = message
setTimeout("scrollform()", 100)
setTimeout("scrollform()", 1000)


<form name="demoform">
<input type="text" name="demotext" size="40">

Browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox can do clever things like change the text colour and remove the form box

Clock in a form example
